MoDeNa  1.0
Software framework facilitating sequential multi-scale modelling
src Directory Reference


file  constants.f90 [code]
 Stores physical constants and floating point precision.
file  dgtsl.f90 [code]
 Solver for tridiagonal SLAE.
file  fake_modena.c [code]
 MoDeNa bindings used when MoDeNa library is not installed.
file  foaming_globals.f90 [code]
 Stores global variables for Foaming application.
file  globals.f90 [code]
 Stores global variables.
file  hbrd.f90 [code]
 Hybrid Powell method for SNAE.
file  in_out.f90 [code]
 Subroutines controlling input and output.
file  integration.f90 [code]
 Controls the integration.
file  interpolation.f90 [code]
 Piecewise linear interpolation.
file  ioutils.f90 [code]
 Tools for file input/output.
file  main.f90 [code]
 Main executable program.
file  model.f90 [code]
 Physical model of bubble growth.
file  model_sundials.f90 [code]
 Interface for sundials.
file  modenastuff.f90 [code]
 Definitions of modena variables.
file  phys_prop.f90 [code]
 Calculates material properties of the system.
file  tests.f90 [code]
 Top level subroutines.