MoDeNa  1.0
Software framework facilitating sequential multi-scale modelling
Data Types List
Here are the data types with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NbubbleGrowthMoDeNa Module definition of the Bubble growth model
 NfoamAgingMoDeNa Module definition of the Foam aging model
 NfoamConductivityMoDeNa Module definition of the Foam conductivity model
 NfoamConductivitySurrogate model and Firetasks for Foam conductivity model
 NFoamConstructionModule definition of the Foam construction utility
 NFoamElasticModulusPython Module
 NElasticModulusSurrogate Function, Surrogate Model templates and Model Recipe
 NpetscmanagementIn this module, the application context is defined
 NpolymerConductivityOoo ooooo oooooooooo
 NpolymerViscosityMoDeNa Module definition of the Polymer viscosity model
 NRheologyBackward mapping FireTask for rheology model
 NSurfaceTensionMoDeNa Module definition of the Surface Tension Model
 NSurfaceTensionSurrogate Function, Surrogate Model templates and Model Recipe
 NwallDrainageMoDeNa Module definition of the Wall drainage model
 CBSDPropertiesThis class is meant to compute the mean and variance of bubble/cell size distribution
 Cfn1_paramsStruct for passing paramaters to GSL function
 Cmodena_model_tStores a surrogate model
 Cmodena_substitute_model_tStores a model and mapping for substitution