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Software framework facilitating sequential multi-scale modelling
▼NbubbleGrowth | MoDeNa Module definition of the Bubble growth model |
▼NCFD_tool_0D | |
▼NCFD_tool_3D | |
▼Ndagmg_mem | |
Cinnerdata | |
▼Ndiffusivity | |
▼Nf90moduleinterfaces | |
Csnesgetapplicationcontext | |
Csnessetapplicationcontext | |
▼NflowRate | |
►NflowRate | |
▼NflowRate_idealGas | |
►NflowRate_idealGas | |
▼Nfmodena | |
Cmodena_error | |
Cmodena_error_occurred | |
Cmodena_inputs_destroy | |
Cmodena_inputs_new | |
Cmodena_inputs_set | |
Cmodena_model_argPos_check | |
Cmodena_model_call | |
Cmodena_model_destroy | |
Cmodena_model_inputs_argPos | |
Cmodena_model_new | |
Cmodena_model_outputs_argPos | |
Cmodena_outputs_destroy | |
Cmodena_outputs_get | |
Cmodena_outputs_new | |
▼NFoam | |
CtwoPhaseMixtureThermo | |
▼NfoamAging | MoDeNa Module definition of the Foam aging model |
▼NfoamConductivity | MoDeNa Module definition of the Foam conductivity model |
►NfoamConductivity | Surrogate model and Firetasks for Foam conductivity model |
▼NFoamConstruction | Module definition of the Foam construction utility |
▼NFoamElasticModulus | Python Module |
►NElasticModulus | Surrogate Function, Surrogate Model templates and Model Recipe |
▼NgasConductivity | |
▼NgasMixtureConductivity | |
▼NKinetics | |
►NPrediciKinetics | |
▼NModena | |
CmodenaException | |
CmodenaModel | |
▼Npetscmanagement | In this module, the application context is defined |
Cuserctx | |
▼NpolymerConductivity | Ooo ooooo oooooooooo |
▼NPolymerDensity | |
►NPolymerDensity | |
▼NPolymerDensity_units | |
▼NpolymerViscosity | MoDeNa Module definition of the Polymer viscosity model |
▼Npython | |
►NStrategy | |
►NSurrogateModel | |
▼NRheology | |
►NRheology | Backward mapping FireTask for rheology model |
▼NRheology_Arrhenius | |
▼NSolubility | |
►NSolubility | |
▼NStrutContent | |
▼NSurfaceTension | MoDeNa Module definition of the Surface Tension Model |
►NSurfaceTension | Surrogate Function, Surrogate Model templates and Model Recipe |
▼NwallDrainage | MoDeNa Module definition of the Wall drainage model |
CBSDProperties | This class is meant to compute the mean and variance of bubble/cell size distribution |
Cfn1_params | Struct for passing paramaters to GSL function |
Cmodena_errordesc | |
Cmodena_function_t | |
Cmodena_index_set_t | |
Cmodena_inputs_t | |
Cmodena_model_t | Stores a surrogate model |
Cmodena_outputs_t | |
Cmodena_siunits_t | |
Cmodena_substitute_model_t | Stores a model and mapping for substitution |