MoDeNa  1.0
Software framework facilitating sequential multi-scale modelling
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CBSDPropertiesThis class is meant to compute the mean and variance of bubble/cell size distribution
 Cpython.Strategy.ParameterFittingStrategyBase Class for creating parameter fitting strategies
 Cpython.SurrogateModel.EmbDocClass wrapper for DynamicEmbeddedDocument from MongeEngine
 Cfn1_paramsStruct for passing paramaters to GSL function
 Cpython.SurrogateModel.GrowingListClass list that is automatically extended when index is out of range
 Cmodena_model_tStores a surrogate model
 Cmodena_substitute_model_tStores a model and mapping for substitution
 Cpython.Strategy.SamplingStrategyBase class for Sampling strategies (DoE)
 Cpython.Strategy.ExtendSpaceStochasticSamplingClass for extending the design space using stochastic sampling
 Cpython.Strategy.StochasticSamplingDesign of experiments class, Monte Carlo sampling
 Cpython.Strategy.ImproveErrorStrategyBase class for strategies 'fixing' the error of a surrogate model
 Cpython.Strategy.InitialisationStrategyParent class for the initialisation strategies
 Cpython.Strategy.OutOfBoundsStrategyParent class for the out of bounds strategies
 Cpython.Strategy.InitialDataPointsPushes all "points" to the next firework
 Cpython.Strategy.InitialisationA FireTask that performs the initialisation
 Cpython.Strategy.ParameterFittingA FireTask that performs parameter fitting
 Cpython.Strategy.ImproveErrorStrategyBase class for strategies 'fixing' the error of a surrogate model
 Cpython.Strategy.InitialisationStrategyParent class for the initialisation strategies
 Cpython.Strategy.OutOfBoundsStrategyParent class for the out of bounds strategies
 Cpython.Strategy.ParameterFittingStrategyBase Class for creating parameter fitting strategies
 CflowRate.flowRate.FlowRateExactSimA FireTask that starts a microscopic code and updates the database
 CflowRate_idealGas.flowRate_idealGas.FlowRateExactSimA FireTask that starts a microscopic code and updates the database
 CfoamConductivity.foamConductivity.FoamConductivityExactTaskRecipe for Foam conductivity application
 CPolymerDensity.PolymerDensity.DensityExactSimA FireTask that starts a microscopic code and updates the database
 CRheology.Rheology.RheologyExactTask_dummyA FireTask that starts a microscopic code and updates the database
 CRheology.Rheology.RheologyExactTask_tFEMA FireTask that starts a microscopic code and updates the database
 CSolubility.Solubility.SolubilityExactSimThis FireTask controls the execution of the detailed model of the Solubility model
 CSurfaceTension.SurfaceTension.SurfaceTensionExactSimRecipe for PCSAFT Surface Tension Application
 Cpython.Strategy.BackwardMappingScriptTaskA FireTask that starts a macroscopic code and catches its return code