MoDeNa  1.0
Software framework facilitating sequential multi-scale modelling
Foam aging MoDeNa Module

Integrates Foam aging model into the MoDeNa software framework. More...


 Fortran Source Code
 Source Code Documentation.


 MoDeNa Module definition of the Foam aging model.
 Backward mapping Firetask for Foam aging model.

Detailed Description

Integrates Foam aging model into the MoDeNa software framework.

Predicts the evolution of composition of gas phase in foam and determines the change in thermal properties.


Foam aging

Scope of this module

This module contains the detailed model for the foam aging simulation. It is a top level application. There is no surrogate model, which needs to be fitted.


First make sure you have all dependencies listed in Dependencies of Foam aging model. A step by step guide is provided in Foam aging simulation.The compilation of the model is done by CMake. You can do

cd src
cmake .

However, you can also use the build script in Foam aging simulation.

Input / Output

The details on input and output are provided in Foam aging simulation.


Although you can start the executable directly, it is strongly advised that you use the workflow script in Foam aging simulation.