MoDeNa  1.0
Software framework facilitating sequential multi-scale modelling

Dependencies of Bubble growth model

Dependency Type Tested Version
gfortran compiler 5.4
BLAS Library - Basic Linear Algebra 3.4.2
LAPACK Toolkit - Linear algebra 3.4.2
sundials Library - ODE integrators 2.6.2
bspline-fortran Library - Interpolation 9aeadb4*
fson Library - JSON reader 750341b*

* Library releases are not versioned. Commit ID is provided.

Dependencies of the 0-D CFD model

Dependency Type Version
BOOST Libraries ?
MongoDBc MongoDB C++ driver ?

Dependencies of Foam aging model

Dependency Type Tested Version
gfortran compiler 5.4
fson Library - JSON reader 750341b*

* Library releases are not versioned. Commit ID is provided.

Dependencies of Foam conductivity model

Dependency Type Tested Version
gfortran compiler 5.4
BLAS Library - Basic Linear Algebra 3.4.2
LAPACK Toolkit - Linear algebra 3.4.2
fson Library - JSON reader 750341b*

* Library releases are not versioned. Commit ID is provided.

Dependencies of Foam construction utility

Dependency Type Tested Version
gfortran compiler 5.4
Neper Library - Tessellation 2.0
voro++ Library - Tessellation 0.4.6
gmsh Library - Meshing 2.10.1
VTK Library - Mesh manipulation 5.8.0
libmatheval Library - Symbolic mathematics 1.1.11
GSL Library - Numerics 2.1
lib3ds Library - 3DS files 1.3
libjpeg Library - JPEG files 6.2
freeglut Library - GLUT 3
NLOpt Library - Optimization 2.4.2
meshconv Executable - Mesh conversion *
binvox Executable - Mesh conversion *
POV-Ray Library - Visualization 3.7.0

* Library releases are not versioned.

Dependencies for the Elastiv Modulus Module

Dependency Type Version
abaqus Software Package – Finite Element Analysis 6.13
itertools Python package *
commands Python package *
glob Python package *
neper Software Package – polycrystal generation and meshing 3.0.1
gmsh Software Package – mesh generator 2.10.1

* Any recent version should work.

Dependencies of Polymer viscosity model

Dependency Type Tested Version
None - -

Dependencies of Rheology model

  • Gmsh 2.8.5 (Any version above 2.8.5 should probably work but not all of them have been tested)

Dependencies of Solubility model

  • a current gfortran compiler

Dependencies of Strut content model

Dependency Type Tested Version
None - -

Dependencies of Surface tension model

Dependency Type Tested Version
gfortran compiler 5.4
PETSc Toolkit - Scientific Computing 3.4.5 *
BLAS Library - Basic Linear Algebra **
LAPACK Toolkit - Linear algebra **
SCALAPACK SCalable Lapack (mpi) **
MPI Message Passing Interface **

* The dependency is strictly dependent on this version.

** Dependencies must be compatible with the version of PETSc. This is ducumented in the module Surface Tension MoDeNa Module.

Dependencies of Wall drainage model

Dependency Type Tested Version
gfortran compiler 5.4
bspline-fortran Library - Interpolation 9aeadb4*
fson Library - JSON reader 750341b*

* Library releases are not versioned. Commit ID is provided.