MoDeNa  1.0
Software framework facilitating sequential multi-scale modelling
Go to the documentation of this file.
7 module constants
8  use,intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: dp => real64
9  implicit none
10  real(dp), parameter :: &
11  pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923&
12  &078164062862089986280348253421170679_dp,& !<pi
13  sigmab=5.67037321e-8_dp,&
14  kb=1.380648813e-23_dp,&
15  rg=8.31446218_dp,&
16  na=rg/kb,&
17  eulergamma=0.5772156649015328606&
18  &065120900824024310421_dp,&
19  c0=299792458e0_dp,&
20  hpc=6.6260695729e-34_dp,&
21  c2=0.014387752_dp,&
22  struttol=1e-3_dp
25  complex(dp), parameter :: iu=(0.0e0_dp,1.0e0_dp)
26  logical :: &
27  wdist,& !<use wall thickness distribution
28  testmode,& !<true disables calculation of radiation
29  numcond
30  character(len=80) :: &
31  structurename
32  integer :: &
33  mfi,& !<main file index
34  nrays,& !<number of testing rays
35  nz,& !<spatial discretization
36  nbox,& !<number of gray boxes
37  morph_input
42  real(dp) :: lambda,& !<wavelength
43  temp1,& !<temperature at boundary 1
44  temp2,& !<temperature at boundary 2
45  kappa2,& !<absorption coefficient of solid
46  cond1,& !<conductivity of gas
47  cond2,& !<conductivity of polymer
48  n1,& !<real part of refractive indice of gas
49  n2,& !<real part of refractive indice of polymer
50  k1,& !<imaginary part of refractive indice of gas
51  k2,& !<imaginary part of refractive indice of polymer
52  rhog,& !<density of gas
53  rhos,& !<density of solid
54  emi1,& !<wall emittances at boundary 1
55  emi2,& !<wall emittances at boundary 2
56  tmean,& !<mean temperature
57  eqc,& !<equivalent conductivity
58  eqc_ross,& !<Rosseland equivalent conductivity
59  effc,& !<effective conductivity (only conduction)
60  effc_num,& !<effective conductivity from numerical simulation
61  kgas,& !<gas conductivity
62  ksol,& !<solid conductivity
63  krad,& !<radiative conductivity
64  gcontr,& !<contribution of gas
65  scontr,& !<contribution of solid
66  rcontr,& !<contribution of radiation
67  planckextcoeff,& !<Planck extinction coefficient
68  rossextcoeff,& !<Rosseland extinction coefficient
69  albedo,& !<scattering albedo
70  effn,& !<effective index of refraction (real part)
71  por,& !<porosity
72  rhof,& !<foam density
73  dcell,& !<cell size
74  dwall,& !<wall thickness
75  fs,& !<strut content
76  dstrut,& !<strut diameter
77  dfoam,& !<foam thickness
78  wsdev,& !<wall thickness standard deviation
79  tm(10)
80  real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: &
81  lambdan,& !<wavelength of real part of refractive index
82  nwl,& !<real part of refractive index
83  lambdak,& !<wavelength of imaginary part of refractive index
84  kwl,& !<imaginary part of refractive index
85  lambdagas,& !<wavelength of absorption coefficient of gas
86  acgas,& !<absorption coefficient of gas
87  lambdabox,& !<boundaries of gray boxes
88  trextcoeffbox,& !<transport extinction coefficients of gray boxes
89  albedobox,& !<scattering albedos of gray boxes
90  abscoeffbox,& !<absorption coefficients of gray boxes
91  scattcoeffbox,& !<scatering coefficients of gray boxes
92  fbepbox
93 end module constants
double lambda
Latent heat of blowing agent, J/kg.