MoDeNa  1.0
Software framework facilitating sequential multi-scale modelling
0-D CFD Model

This is a 0D example of the CFD code with the calls to the database using the MoDeNa interface. More...


file  bubbleRadius.h
 functions related to the calculations of bubble radius.
file  coalescence.h
 Source term due to the bubble coalescence.
file  determinant.h
 Calcualte the determinant of an n by n matrix.
file  differenceTable.h
 Calculate difference table for the moments realizability check.
file  experimentalInputs.h
 All the experimental data required for the source terms calculations.
file  growth.h
 Source terms due to the bubble growth.
file  HankelHadamard.h
 checks for moments realizability
file  initializeMoments.h
 initializes the moments
file  liquidBA.h
 Maximum soluble physical blowing agent in the liquid mixture.
file  McGrawCorrection.h
 McGraw correction algorithm.
file  modenaCalls.h
 instantiate the surrogate models:
file  modenaData.h
 allocate memory for the surrogate models
file  momentsConverter.h
 Converts moments based on the unit volume of foam.
file  partialPressure.h
 functions related to the calculations of partial pressures
file  pda.h
 Product Difference Algorithm.
file  QmomKinetics.cpp
 macro-scale tool for the foaming process.
file  modenaCalls.h
 instantiate the surrogate models:
file  readParameters.h
 reads the inputs from input files.
file  WrightCorrection.h
 Wright corrections for moments realizability.
file  write_kinetics.h
 write the results into text files


 Backward mapping Firetask for QmomKinetics model.

Detailed Description

This is a 0D example of the CFD code with the calls to the database using the MoDeNa interface.

Mohsen Karimi
Daniele Marchisio
Pavel Ferkl


Zero-D example of the CFD code


This is a zero dimensional prototype of the application of MoDeNa interface library to connect different modeling scales. The first prototype shows the successful connections of nano, meso and macro sclaes for the simulation of foaming process. The macro-scale code builds the RHS of 20 ODEs within the QmomKinetics( const state_type &y , state_type &dydt , double t ) function including:

  • dydt[0] : XW, conversion of the blowing reaction
  • dydt[1] : XOH, conversion of the gelling reaction
  • dydt[2] : T, temperature of the foam, K
  • dydt[3] : L_l, weight fraction of the blowing agent in the liquid
  • dydt[4] : L_g, weight fraction of the blowing agent in the gas
  • dydt[5] : CO2_l, weight fraction of CO2 in the liquid
  • dydt[6] : CO2_g, weight fraction of CO2 in the gas
  • dydt[7] : m0, moment of order zero of the BSD
  • dydt[8] : m1, moment of order one of the BSD
  • dydt[9] : m2, moment of order two of the BSD
  • dydt[10]: m3, moment of order three of the BSD
  • dydt[11]: EG_NCO, Concentration of NCO end groups
  • dydt[12]: EG_OH, Concentration of OH end groups
  • dydt[13]: H2O, Water concentration
  • dydt[14]: CO2, CO2 Concentration
  • dydt[15]: PENTANE, Cylcopentane concentration
  • dydt[16]: POLYMER, Dummy concentration of polymer
  • dydt[17]: POLYMERBLOW, Second dummy concentration of polymer
  • dydt[18]: UREA, Concentration of urea end groups
  • dydt[19]: R_1_temp, Temperature
Throughout the computation of RHSs the inputs of the surrogate models are set and the outputs are retirieved using modena library. It should be remembred that the surrogate models should be initialized on the local machine before running this code. The write_kinetics(y, t) function appends the results into the different text files that can be later plotted. This function also computes the density of the foam based on the moments of BSD and converts the moments based on the unit volume of the foam. The main(int argc, char **argv) function starts with the initialization of the solution. Then, a 'stepper' has been used to solve the ODEs. Further details on the integration method can be found here.

How to run independently?

  1. Get Boost C++ Library
    • Skip this step if you have boost at /usr/local/ (I have used boost_1_57_0)
    • If not, get boost:
      sudo apt-get install libboost-dev
  2. Compile the project:
    • cmake . 
  3. Make the executatble from the main code
    • make 
  4. Set the environmental variable for the shared libraries by:
    • export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:./eigen 
  5. Run the executable by:
    • ./QmomKinetics 
  6. Plot the results by software your choice.


In modifications of the solver are required, first run the (./cleanupScript) to remove the old results then compile the modified code (make), run the executable (./QmomKinetics) and plot the results (gnuplot gnuplot_script.gnu).