MoDeNa  1.0
Software framework facilitating sequential multi-scale modelling
Todo List
Global CFD_tool_0D::QmomKinetics.m
Global dft
Namespace Kinetics.Kinetics
Namespace Kinetics.PrediciKinetics
Class python.Strategy.InitialDataPoints
See the method updateFitDataFromFwSpec in This class returns: {key: array} this results in the following representation in fw_spec: {key: [array]} How to fix this? The temporary solution checks the class in updateFitData... however this is neither beautiful or fool proof.
Class python.Strategy.NonLinFitToPointWithSmallestError
The strategy does not allow for error to be improved, but this can be changed in the future.
Global python.Strategy.NonLinFitWithErrorContol.__init__ (self, args, kwargs)
access tuple correctly
Global python.SurrogateModel.BackwardMappingModel.extendedRange (self, outsidePoint, expansion_factor=1.2)
Class python.SurrogateModel.Function
This is a draft for a class that can parse simple functions and write the Ccode that is compiled by CFunction.
Global python.SurrogateModel.SurrogateModel.exceptionLoad (self, surrogateModelId)
Finding the 'unintialised' models using this method will fail eventually fail when running in parallel. Need to pass id of calling FireTask. However, this requires additional code in the library as well as cooperation of the recipie
Global SurfaceTension::SurfaceTension.f
Check if parameter bounds are reasonable
Global SurfaceTension::SurfaceTension.m
Global SurfaceTension::SurfaceTension.m2